[MR] BBC: Lost Lewis Chessman Found

Garth Groff and Sally Sanford mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 04:31:23 PDT 2019

Noble Friends, Especially Vikings and Scots,

Today the BBC announced that another Lewis chessman has been discovered.
The figure is a "warder" (equivalent to a rook or castle), and was one of
five sold off shortly after the hoard was uncovered in 1831. The figure is
to go up for auction, and may fetch as much as £1 million.

Photos and the complete story are found at
https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-48494885 .

More on the Lewis chessmen in the British Museum can be found at

The figures held by the National Museum of Scotland can be viewed at

They also have a Wikipedia page at

I had the pleasure of viewing the Scottish chessmen at Edinburgh in 2017.
My favorite is the berserker pawn chewing on his shield.

Yours Aye,

Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge  🦆

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