[MR] Wilipedia: Julian of Norwich

Garth Groff via Atlantia atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Fri May 13 02:10:53 PDT 2016

Noble Friends,

On this date in 1373, a woman later known as Julian of Norwich awoke 
from a near-fatal illness in which she had a series of spiritual 
visions. She immediately wrote down her experiences which later were 
later refined into the book _Revelations of Divine Love_. Julian (not 
her real name) later became an anchoress living in the church of St. 
Julian in Norwich. Julian later became a spiritual adviser to the famous 
mystic-wannabe and arch spiritual scold Marjory Kempe.

Here is a Wikipedia page on this very important medieval woman: 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_of_Norwich .

Yours Aye,

Lord Mungo Napier, That Crazy Scot

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