[MR] Acorn Site And Calendar RSS

Christopher Cunning via Atlantia atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Tue Sep 29 04:10:10 PDT 2015

Good Morning,

As 0f 09/28/2015, A new RSS Feed for the Atlantian Calendar has been
established on the Kingdom of Atlantia web site at the following URL:


The current RSS feed from the Acorn Site (http://acorn.atlantia.sca.
org/calendar.xml) is currently used by many of the Atlantian Groups and
members to provide event information and dates on Calendars.  Please
update  your Calendar systems to use the new RSS Feed.

Additionally, as of 09/28/2015 the Acorn web site's (
http://acorn.atlantia.sca.org) features and functionality have been
migrated to the Kingdom web site.  As a result, the Acorn web site will be
closed on 10/15/2015, with the URL redirecting to the Kingdom of Atlantia
web site.    Please review the links on your web sites and make
modifications as necessary.

On 10/30/2015, the Acorn web site will be fully shut down and the URL

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you
for your time.


Christopher MacConing OL, OP, OD

Web Minister, Atlantia
Email:  webminister at atlantia.sca.org

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