[MR] BBC: Richard III Trial Tomorrow

Groff, Garth (ggg9y) ggg9y at virginia.edu
Tue Nov 26 04:16:41 PST 2013

Noble Friends,

The affray over Richard III's remains may finally grind to its painful conclusion tomorrow as a lawsuit by the Plantagenet Alliance finally goes before a judge: (video) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-25097133 ; (text) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-25098783 . The Plantagenet Alliance is made up of the very late King's distant relatives (through his brother), who have sued to have him reburied in York. The University of Leicester, who sponsored the dig in Leicester, is required by their license to have Richard reburied in Leicester.

The decision may not be announced for several days or even weeks. I will not be able to comment upon this again until December 2, as I cannot post to the Merry Rose from my home computer (wrong IP address). Rest assured, I will give you all an update on all the juicy details of the latest episode in our favorite royal soap-opera as soon as I can.

Yours Aye,

Lord Mungo Napier, The Archer of Mallard Lodge
Read "The Tale of Mungo Napier":

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