[MR] Heraldic Term of the Day, late.

Jim Looper jimlooper at embarqmail.com
Wed May 6 22:19:29 PDT 2009

My apologies for not being able to get these out in a timely fashion . Let's just say work has become a little difficult of late... 

Displayed:  Used for birds, primarily Eagles, in which the body of the bird is facing out from the shield, with the wings fully extended and pointed up. 

Lucien's Digest Version: Spread eagle... 

Displayed, wings inverted: Same as displayed, but with the tips of the wings pointing down. 

Lucien's Digest Version: Think of Wonder Woman's eagle... 

Close: Used when the bird is positioned as if standing on the ground with wings against the body. 

Lucien's Digest Version: Think of a crow when it is deciding whether or not it's ging to fly away as your car gets closer to it. 

Rising: Standing with wings raised as if to take flight. 

Lucien's Digest Version: When the crow decides it IS going to take off... 

Volant: In flight across the field, almost completely horizontal. 

Lucien's Digest Version: Ummm... What they said... 

Link with some images: 


Baron Lucien de La Rochelle 


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