[MR] Commedia dell' Arte

Barbara Miller blithaofwolfhou at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 24 16:54:26 PDT 2009

What is Commedia dell' Arte? 
It is an improvisional theatre that was very popular in Italy and Europe in the 1500s and later. It had older roots in traveling troupes of performers who would journey to a town, set up a stage, and perform for the entertainment of the populace. Donations and passing the hat funded these troupes.   These performances could be satirical, romantic, risque, physical, outrageous, or whatever the troupe felt would entertain the masses.  Themes could involve noble or disgraceful love intrigues, trickery to gain fortunes or social status, attempts to outwit a simpleton, plotting maids, bragging captains, aged fathers, and wily widows.
By the late 1500s, a set of stock characters had evolved. These included Il Dottore, El Capitano, Pantelone, Isabella, the young lovers Flavio and Flaminia, Columbina, Arlecchino, and other characters. Characters and their relationships could change according to the plot..
 Il Dottore believes he is the most learned man in Venice.. He verbosely hails from Bologna and the University there. He is self opinionated that he is the greatest creator of poultices, potions, and salves. He can play the lawyer, or judge with "good sense", but usually confuses any situation. Look for him dressed in black with a bulbous nose and bushy eyebrows.
 El Capitano has been in the Spanish military (so he says).  He is a swaggering braggart impressed with his own prowess, and is a coward who runs from responsibility and sometimes his own shadow. Watch him strut around nose-first in his fancy clothes and with his long sword.
Pantelone is a rich, miserly merchant in Venice. He always seeks more money or a higher social status. He has servants, and sometimes a wife or daughter who take advantage of him. This eagle-nosed old man is dressed in red, with a black coat.
Isabella is a young, headstrong, educated, social climbing lady. When she is Pantelone's daughter, he tries to get her married to rich over-aged suitors. But she has plans of her own. As a fine lady of Venice, she tries to maneuver her own path.
The young lovers, Flavio and Flaminia, can be the children of Pantelone, Dottore, or of other wealthy high social status families. Dressed in the latest of fashions, they are vainly in love with themselves, in love with the idea of love, and in love with the idea of having a beloved.  
Columbina is a lusty courtesan, wandering wife, or gossiping servant. She can be free, insolent, vane, a gossiper, a lover of intrigue, and a giver of bad advice to the young lovers or anyone who will listen.  
Arlecchino is the acrobatic comic servant of Dottore, El Capitano, or Pantelone.  He loves Columbina, though she teases him.  He came to Venice from Bergamo seeking his fortune.  Arlecchino has many schemes, but they go awry. His mistakes confuse any plot. His patched clothing later developed into the diamond patterned clown, Harlequin. His black mask has a large wart on the forehead.
The Stierbach Commedia troupe, called “I Torii”, will be performing before the dessert course during feast at the Coronation of Vladimir and Kalisa.  We invite you to laugh and be entertained on Saturday, August 29


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