[MR] Rapier Tourney Format for Chalice of the Sun God

afpopa at cox.net afpopa at cox.net
Sun Aug 23 07:07:59 PDT 2009

Greetings from Barone Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli, MiC for Chalice of the Sun God.

In keeping with the Chalice theme of "Leda's Twins", there will be two rapier tournaments this year.

The first tournament will be a double elimination progressive, and will be used to determine who will fight the current Chalice Champion, Lord Dominyk Wolferam.  Unlike a standard triple elimination progressive (single rapier, rapier and defensive secondary, rapier and offensive secondary), this tournament will start at rapier and defensive secondary.  After your first loss, you will then have the option to drop the defensive secondary and pick up an offensive secondary.  After your second loss, you are out of the tournament.

The second tournament will be a standard timed bear pit of thirty minutes duration.  This tournament will be open to only those fighters who are members of a Chalice team, and will be used to determine the points awarded towards the team competition.  There will be a second bear pit open for those who are not members of a Chalice team.

After the conclusion of the tournaments, the field will be open for pick-ups and instruction.

I hope to see everyone there for a fine day of fighting and comeraderie.


Baron Marcellus

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