[MR] possibility of Heather Dale house concert

Jonna Bernstein/Rosalind Jehanne wizardofros at triad.rr.com
Thu Aug 20 17:53:09 PDT 2009

Greetings to all my gentle cousins from Rosalind Jehanne. As M. 
Efenwealt has already announced, two wonderful folk/celtic/SCA 
musicians, Heather Dale and Ben Deschamps (M. Marian of Heatherdale) 
will be performing at War of the Wings on October 10th.  For any that 
may NOT be going to WOW, if I can get together at least a  dozen people 
to come to my house in Kernersville (between Winston Salem and 
Greensboro, NC) on the Thursday or Friday before (October 8th or 9th), I 
could host a "house concert" as well. If you would be interested, please 
email me back, or call me at 919-619-8836. It would be about $10, or 
what you could afford to put in a hat;  I will supply munchies, seats, 
dogs to pet, crash space, harmony - whatever is needful.  Check out 
their website to see what a treat you would be in for: heatherdale.com.  
Let me know soonest you can, and if there is enough interest above and 
beyond WOW, I will try to put this together...In song and fun, Ros

Jonna Bernstein
AKA M. Rosalind Jehanne, OL (SCA)

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