[MR] Period Chocolate Recipes

David Chessler chessler at usa.net
Wed Aug 12 14:36:23 PDT 2009

Chocolate came to Spain early in the 16th C, and chocolate drinks are 
documented. However, when I checked the Florilegium, there was only 
one "period" recipe (made with cocoa beans, hot peppers, etc), 
dated  1621 (IIRC) which is "period" only by the old definition, 
though it probably does reflect 16th C practice.  The Florilegium 
mentions some early Italian recipes, but does not  publish them.

Does anyone have a reasonably "period" recipe for chocolate, 
preferably in a dessert-type dish? Arabic sources are just fine.



Davitt il Bigollo da Pisa
Erudit de l'Academie de Espee de Atlantia
Storvik (rapier)
Roxbury Mill (other things)  

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