[MR] Kingdom Crusades - Atlantia Style

Troy Herring thatguy at troyfish.com
Fri Sep 24 07:45:09 PDT 2004

The chronicles Continue.

Unto the populous of Atlantia do I send greetings.

The East Kingdom has indeed heard word of our preparations to defend 
our shores and countryside.  Not too long ago we called them "Ally."  
It is now time to call them other names, then defeat them, then party 
with them just to show that we can cover all the bases.  They have 
spurned our support we offered in their time of need and turned their 
ire toward their southerly cousins.  Wanting to continue the bouts of 
friendship and challenge they are amassing an army that might amuse 
bring a smirk to the lips of Ares for even he can appreciate the vain 
attempt that they will be pursuing.  Knowing full well that we will 
fight to the very core of our being as we will be defending our land 
from these smelly invaders, it is our duty to kingdom and crown to lend 
a hand in all manner of events during the day.

Leading their duelists into the fray is none other than the boisterous, 
self proclaimed "Littlest Fencer in the Knowne World"(TM) Natalia.  
Those that have seen her on the field will remember her as the yippiest 
little yippee dog of war that has ever graced the field.  She does have 
the skill, like that of an Australian Shepherd, to yip at the ankles of 
her troops and keep them in line.  I know that this is but an idle 
threat to our fencers as we, like the bulls of Pamplona, know that we 
can take down any threat that is in our way.

She has claimed that the Fencers of the East are "as crazy as they 
come".  This may be the case, but we all know that "mad as a hatter" is 
but the tip on the iceberg of our insanity.  This is not a cry for the 
silliness that I know we are well known for, but a plea for the 
orgasmic delight that we feel when we know that our foes have been 
vanquished in a heap of honor, chivalry, frivolity and fun at our feet. 
(ie keep the human heads, chickens, stuffed birds, monkeys, babies, 
jester canes, turtle shells, etc. either at home or firmly placed in 
your bags not to see the light of the Crusades day.... Night however 
may be another story)

They will be fighting will all of their might, all 3 of them.  If they 
do attempt their claim of becoming 3 people... Aim for the one in the 
middle just like we do in "Fencing for Shots."  They will be joining us 
on the field of battle after (and before) drinking, making merry, and 
chasing each other like little school children with a strange gleam in 
their eyes.  I say we meet them on even ground and show them how a real 
party is thrown.  They claim that they can drink us under the table, 
I'm sure we can put this to the test after the sun goes down... 
Donavon, you may have some orders coming your way, we'll talk soon.

I have heard from a number of you that have said that you will be on 
the field.  I would love to hear more.  Send me a note to 
thatguy at troyfish.com letting me know that you'll be on the field 
fighting with us sending these foes back to their cold northern homes.  
If you wish to be considered for the Champion's team (And this is open 
to ALL authorized fencers... Schalger is preferred, but not a 
requirement - And authorizing that day does count)

Natalia has been so kind as to let me know about her missive to her 
people which I have sent in the missive prior to this one.  I shall do 
the same to let her know that we, as Atlantians, will be ready for any 
fun games that they think they can enact.

On a personal note she has put a bounty on an appropriate call name for 
me.  I know that they have been working hard to come up with something, 
but they have been going to their mom for help.  I know that we have 
the best wit in the knowne world (Despite some of the things I heard at 
Chalice) and if the bounty is to be collected, let it be by an 
Atlantian.  I shall also extend the challenge to you all to work on 
appropriate terms for their illustrious leader and her OGR companions 
(there are 69 of them so it won't be too hard - find the double 
entendre in that one =) )

In service to the crown, the kingdom, and those that call Atlantia home.
Connor - Your "Taller than a smurf" rapier war general for Kingdom 

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