[MR] Pre_reg events only

Siegfried Sebastian Faust crossbow at freeshell.org
Thu Sep 30 09:28:25 PDT 2004

At 08:42 AM 9/28/2004, Tracy Malone wrote:
>The usual reason a site does not allow charging on site for access is if 
>they have a large populace that technically has access to the 
>facility.  We have encountered this with colleges, student centers and 
>city parks. If you use such a facility, and have everyone prereg, there is 
>still no way to keep anyone affiliated with the facility or the general 
>public from wandering through any activities.  This would be great for a 
>demo or even a public/private symposium, but would be tough for a typical 

We do this every year though at Highland River Melees.

It's a public park, and therefore anyone can just walk through.

However, we set up a troll, and as people walk up we ask if they are SCA or 
not ... many non SCA don't even go to troll (not knowing what it is)

Those that do, are discovered, and sent to the newcomer's booth without 
paying.  All SCA folks are asked to pay.


THL Siegfried Sebastian Faust                         http://crossbows.biz/
Barony of Highland Foorde           Baronial Web Minister & Archery Marshal
Kingdom of Atlantia          Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal for Target Archery
http://highland-foorde.atlantia.sca.org/   http://archery.atlantia.sca.org/

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