[MR] ON the phrase" our women" and pennsic security

Terri Morgan nothingbutadame at inthe.sca.org
Fri Sep 3 05:49:50 PDT 2004

It was said that during the time of Genghis Kahn, a naked virgin could ride
from China to the westernmost edge of the Mongolian empire with a case of
gold & gems on her saddle and be unharmed... maybe we should go Mongolian?

No, wait, some of us already are...

   Seriously, I'd hate to have a grammatical argument obscure the point. At
the size and the, well, regularity of the event (you can count on that many
strangers being in one place at the same time, yearly) and the number of
Pennsic-only event goers, this is bound to be a problem. taking reasonable
precautions is *always* a good idea. you'll walk more securely and party
more freely if you know that your safety and that of your friends has been
accounted for.


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