[MR] Re: Rumors...Be it Fact or Fiction

JTsamouce at cs.com JTsamouce at cs.com
Fri Aug 1 03:29:31 PDT 2003

Greetings Unto All...

One thing I have learned in my 31 years on this earth is that you cant please 
everyone...It sucks...I hate knowing that there are people out there that 
just dont like me and mine and find some sick pleasure in chatting in shadows and 
causing chaos....But you know what? I do not have the time to waste on such 
petty behavior. 

It is the better person that can stand tall...even though there are those who 
choose to  speak behind ones back, yet smile to your face...Falsehood is all 
around us....Pick our battles and sit back and enjoy what brings us to the 
SCA....Cherish those who prove their worth and let those who are false rot...for 
that is what will happen to them...Dont let dead weight steal our fun.

I have stayed away from the politics of most things in life..but sometimes 
one just has to bite the bullet and slam those that do one wrong... I understand 
why our King has posted his feelings...For we ALL have had similar feelings 
about people that are really just shallow...Continue to enjoy our game 
regardless of others actions.  

Smile, enjoy what brings us to the SCA... Knowledge, True Friendships and 
just plain Fun...Let those who wish to bring their misery to the table, dishonor 

Yours in Understanding,
Lady Toireasa of Nimenefeld


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