[MR] Estrella War XIX Arts and Sciences Competition February 2003

Sarah J. Toich - Simone barjavel at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 12 09:30:22 PDT 2002

Estrella War XIX Arts and Sciences Competition
February 2003

Greetings Unto the Artisans of the Known World,

It is my pleasure to extend an invitation to all artisans of the
Known World to enter in the Estrella War XIX Arts and Sciences


The categories for the Arts & Sciences Competition for Estrella War
XIX (February 2003) have been chosen one year ahead of time to allow
the competitors ample time to prepare entries. They include:

      Heraldic Display
defined as any historically documented object suitable for period
display of heraldic arms. Arms must be passed by the College of

      Functional Period Accessories (non-jewelry)
defined as any functional accessory item i.e., hats, belts, pouches,
shoes, etc., that one would wear that is appropriate to the period of
SCA interest.

      Period Clothing Construction
defined as any single garment, excluding accessories, that is
constructed using period techniques, materials, patterns and design.

Rules for these categories shall be determined at the Treaty
Negotiations for Estrella War XIX (the February 2003 war).  Treaty
Negotiations will take place at The Known World Academy of Rapier

Further details regarding the date and place of the competition will
be available after Treaty Negotiations

Please note that each person is only allowed to enter one item per
category. Group entries are allowed but each entry counts as each
person's one item in that category. Remember, you cannot enter any
item that has already been entered in an official Estrella War A & S
Competition before. Items entered in local, Baronial, or Kingdom
competitions are acceptable and are encouraged.

You must also have written documentation of no more than five pages
in length, not counting bibliographies and pictures. Documentation
should be typed if possible and easy to read. Please do not put your
name on the documentation. We would like to keep this as anonymous as

Please, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Yours in Service

Lady Eden Blacksmith
Estrella War XIX War Point Autocrat

Please share this information with all.

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