[MR] Crown Tourney Shield Tree

Janos and Rachel JanosandRachel at sc.rr.com
Thu Sep 12 03:53:08 PDT 2002

Greetings to fair Atlantia from Baroness Rachel Wallace and Baron Sir Janos
of Cyddlian Downs.

    Their Majesties, Cuan and Padraigin, have requested that we prepare the
shield tree for Their Crown Tourney.    Therefore, we will need to know the
devices for all those entering Crown so their shields can be painted.   If
you have entered a previous Crown Tourney and have your shield still (this
includes a Spike shield if your device had not passed Laurel) , bring your
shield with you.  We will greatly appreciate any that are already made.

    If you don't have a shield from a previous Crown, or if your device has
passed Laurel between last Crown and now, we will need to paint a new shield
for you.  What will make everyone's life easier will be if you can e-mail us
with a computerized version of your arms with your SCA name.  This will make
it easier to shrink/enlarge and otherwise manipulate to make it easier to
draw.  This will also allow you to have your device drawn like you want it
to look, not someone else's interpretation of the blazon.  You will get to
keep the shield to take home with you.

    Remember-if your device hasn't passed Laurel yet, then you will get a
shield with a Spike on it.

In Service to Atlantia

Rachel & Janos
House Platipi

janosandrachel at sc.rr.com

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