[MR] ISO more people to play games at Coronation!

Signora Sveva Lucciola ladysveva at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 3 07:17:41 PDT 2002

Coronation is this upcoming weekend, and I am looking
for a few more people willing to help with the gaming
areas! Don't worry if you don't know many of them, I
am willing to teach, and will have some handouts

The current schedule is:
Friday, 8PM until ?? tavern games in the hall.
Although there might be some outdoor, in the dark
games, if there is enough interest.

Saturday, "lawn" games on the Vista, from 1-4. 

You do not have to be there the entire time....just
let me know at what times you are willing to commit

And, even if you are not willing to commit to helping
run, please come by and play a game or two with us! 

Signora Sveva Lucciola

"If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. 
If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. 
But I arise in the morning torn between the desire to improve the world, 
and a desire to enjoy the world. 
This makes it hard to plan the day."
---e.b. white

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