[MR] Asian night (9/16)

Tatsushu . tatsushu at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 2 19:32:56 PDT 2002

Please forward to baronies in the North VA/DC area:

----Original Message Follows----

Attention to all of those with interest in things Asian and Asian

As I finally have a place where I can host something, I would like to open
up my house Monday, September 16 to anyone who would like to come and
discuss or learn about things Asian.  Though I specialize in Japanese
culture, I am interested in discussing and researching all things Asian.
For those coming Monday I will have a brief discussion on Japanese men's
clothing from the Heian period to Momoyama.  If you have a specific topic
you would like to discuss, please let me know.  If there is enough
interest I am thinking of opening my house like this every 3rd Monday of
the month (barring other events and activities).


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