[MR] OT: List admin stuff

Kendrick Wayfarer kendrick at wayfarer.org
Fri Sep 27 20:40:18 PDT 2002

On Fri, 2002-09-27 at 16:09, Blaise de Cormeilles wrote:
>   /"\
>   / \

This is quite apropos, considering the recent changes to the list. :-)

Thanks to Lord Gruffudd ap Cadfael (Carl Harris) (Webminister, Kingdom
of Atlantia) who runs the box that the Atlantia mailing list is
hosted on, the mailing list software now gives us the ability
to automatically convert all e-mail sent to the list to plain
text.  This means that the previous filters against html e-mail
have now been removed and the "Your message had a suspicious
header" message that plagued several people should be a thing
of the past.

Things to keep in mind, however.  If you send html e-mail,
the software will attempt to convert it to plain text by either
choosing a plain text version that your mailer sent along with
the html version, or directly converting the html to text.
Any formatting in your message will almost certainly be lost,
so keep that in mind.  Also, there will be a note at the top
of the message indicating that the message was converted.

Also note that if you attempt to send an attachment (image,
word document, etc...) to the list, the filter will strip
that from your message to and it will *not* make it to the
list.  So, don't send attachments to the list, it won't work.

Hopefully this change will make things run much smoother on
the list.  If you have any questions or comments, though,
please feel free to e-mail me at kendrick at wayfarer dot org.

In service,
Lord Kendrick Wayfarer
Listkeeper, Merry Rose

Kendrick Wayfarer | kendrick(at)wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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