[MR] Link to Saunooke and Gwenllian's wedding info

Neca.D.Johnson/AMER/TRS/AEXP%AMEX Neca.D.Johnson/AMER/TRS/AEXP%AMEX at ipc.amex-trs.com
Mon Dec 3 07:00:15 PST 2001

Dear Friends,

I wanted to let you know that Lady Ursula von Bremen has been kind enough to
post the flyer for our wedding onto the House Bayard web site in the calendar
section.  We appreciate her generosity, as neither Saunooke or I would know how
to post it, presuming we had a web site :-)

It is still the weekend of May 24-26 at King's Mountain State Park.  There are
no site fees as this is not an SCA event.  However, we ask that people RSVP so
we can manage the cabin space.

As we firm up details, I will forward them to Ursula to be posted on the page.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!


Thank you,

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