[Archers] Smithsonian: Longest Arrow Shot in the World

Garth Groff and Sally Sanford mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 15:33:25 PST 2021

Noble Friends of the Bow,

The December issue of SMITHSONIAN features an article on the quest for the
world's record distance for shooting an arrow. Engineer Alan Case is on the
quest to break that record with a shot carrying over one mile across a
Nevada salt flat. His weapon is a high-tech, leg-spanned footbow of his own
design drawing an incredible 325 pounds. Of course we would never allow a
weapon so powerful in the SCA, and aren't likely to hold a tournament in
the middle of the Nevada desert (great safety zone though!), but the story
does make interesting reading.

Yours Aye,

Lord Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge  🦆
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