[Archers] St. Sebastian Pennsic Shoot

JAMES FRAILEY seamusmcray at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 08:46:23 PST 2019

Archers of Atantia,

I wanted to remind everyone we are running the St. Sebastian Pennic Shoot.
Below is the status of volunteers, marshals and targets. As you can see we
need a bunch more help. Please take a moment and review and consider
lending a hand.

This is the last in the series of St. Sebastian's Shoots. Its our 10th
anniversary and I would like to see it be a giant success. With that said
the theme this year is "COG hunting in the after life". So there are many
fabulous ancient stories of the "after life" and I know COG was a great
lover of bright illustrative images with a great story behind them. What
ancient myths, legends or stories excite you. What would COG be hunting.
No, not Bubba. Please consider making a target.

Please reach out to me directly with any comments or concerns.

Here is the status of where we are.

10th St. Sebastian Pennsic Shoot

“CoG hunting in the afterlife....”

MIC for the Day

Master Seamus McRay

Marshal and Target

Marshal Coordinator

Baron Colum Maxell

Registration Desk/table

Nichola Blackwell


Lady Freug the Herbalist

Fluid and Snack Czarista

Baroness Arnbjorg

Award Arrows

Nicholas Freer


Lewin Patrone

Marshal and Target


Marshal and Target

Jesse and Dagny

Marshal and Target


Marshal and Target

In service,

Baron Seamus McRay
Master of the Pelican
Atlantia Archery DEM
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