[Archers] Looking for marshals for Storvik Novice

Cindy Watkins cindylou0527 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 17:34:45 PDT 2019

Archers of Atlantia! The martial activities at Storvik Novice and Unbelt
Tourney (June 29th at the Knights of Columbus site in College Park) this
year will be themed around strong female warriors in history. Archery
activities will centered around Tomoe Gozen, legendary archer and
horsewoman. There will be lots of shooting at enemy heads. As you can see,
beheading was kind of her thing

IMPORTANT: This is rather late notice, as I am as good at procrastination
as Tomoe was at beheadings, but if any archery marshals are free to attend
the event and help marshal the archery activities, please contact me by PM
here or by email at cindylou0527 at gmail.com
The range will be open after morning court and close 1/2 hour before
evening court. There will be several stations set up that may be self
scored at any point of the day, prize for best score in each rank and a
extra special prize for best "Novice" (first rank) and another prize for
best "first time archer" (i.e. has never shot at an SCA event before


Talia de Morales

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