[Archers] St. Sebastian Pennsic Shoot

JAMES FRAILEY seamusmcray at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 09:24:28 PST 2019

Greetings Atlantia, Happy new year. It is time to start planning for our
10th and final St. Sebastian shoot at Pennsic. First I want to thank Master
Jayan Fletcher for all the years of service to this shoot. If wasn't for
his hard work we could not of pulled this off. Also I want to thank all of
you that have helped in the past, especially Atlantian archers who have
made this one of the best novelty shoots ever. Also with out your hard
work, creativity and passion this event would never have lasted this long.

So this year I would like to dedicate this last St. Sebastian Pennsic Shoot
to the memory of The Baron Christophe of Grey, one of our greatest archers.
So lets have some suggestions on how to honor this wonderful man.

We need a theme. Maybe the best of the best? Suggestions welcome.

In order to pull this off I am going to need some help from all of you.

   - I will need 30+ marshals to cover the day
   - A marshal coordinator to help me schedule the marshals for the day
   - Award arrows / prizes
   - Target stations from volunteers and a theme for the shoot. Minimum of
   10 stations.
   - Since COG is hunting in the after life, I will need to find a
   replacement to get a write up into the Pennsic independent for us. COG used
   to do this for Janyn every year. He would send a write up prior to us going
   to land grab and he would already have it ready for the peace week
   - Scorecards /sign-up table stuff.
   - Coordinate with someone to provide refreshments for staff. Water and
   snacks similar to what was done last year by Baroness Arnbiorg.

So please get the word out so we can make this the best ever St. Sebastian
Pennsic Shoot.

In service,

Baron Seamus McRay
Master of the Pelican
Atlantia Archery DEM
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