[Archers] On Target - May 11 - Lochmere - Annapolis, Md

deallac at juno.com deallac at juno.com
Tue Apr 30 15:53:09 PDT 2019

Greetings all

On Target is less than 2 weeks away! 11 May 2019 – Barony of Lochmere – Annapolis Md

Bring all of your bow types!!!!

This year we are trying something a little different.  Our walk-through range is going to 
be divided into 3 parts
- one section is dedicated to crossbows
- one section is dedicated to atlatls
- one section is dedicated to handbows (and can be gone through multiple times with different bows, such as modern recurve, period longbow, eastern shortbow (ie mongol)

We want people to try the different types of ‘stick flingers’ :)

We will have some loaners of each type, but admittedly, not a lot of crossbows.  But, if a crossbow
owner is willing to let someone use theirs under their supervision (even to the point of cocking if for them, for safety), that will be allowed.

Additionally, we hope to have a siege engine demo, courtesy of Matthew of Summerdale,
and our annual lunch time atlatl battle.

Master Kryss and I have been out to the site and have made another pass with the poison ivy killers,
and hope to follow up once more before the event.  This is the 4th year that we have been spraying and
we are finding less and less each year.



Dame Dealla Cohen, MiC On Target

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