[Archers] Winter Challenge 17/18

Grimm of Grimmsfield grimm at grimmsfield.com
Fri May 4 09:29:16 PDT 2018

My good and noble friends of the bow,
The winter challenge has come to an end and I just wanted to let you all know how Atlantia Did.  These are stats for the kingdom of Atlantia, for personal scores please see: http://web.raex.com/~obsidian/scor1718.html. These numbers were compiled for my own amusement and are presented for your enjoyment.
Winter challenge final numbers:
Number of Archers in Shoot:	166		
Number of Atlantian Archers:	32 at 19%	
Number of Atlantians in the top 1/2:  19 at 59%		
Number of Atlantians in the top 10: 4 at	40%	
Average Score of Atlantian Archers: 100	
>From the bow types (archers could submit scores for more then 1 bow type but only their highest would show up on the overall scores):								
Number of Scores: 175	# of Atlantian Scores:		38		
Number of Atlantians #1 in Bow Type: 8 of 9	89%	
Number of Atlantians in top 10 in Bow type:	20 at 53%		
Average score of Atlantian Scores: 114		
Bow type info:
Period Recurve: 1% of the shoot and 3% of Atlantians
Horsebow: 10%	of the shoot and 11% of Atlantians
Recurve (NS): 55%of the shoot and 47% of Atlantians
Recurve Sighted(S): 2%of the shoot and	3% of Atlantians
Period Longbow (NS): 3% of the shoot and 3% of Atlantians
Longbow (NS): 19% of the shoot and 21% of Atlantians
Longbow Sighted(S): 2%of the shoot and 3% of Atlantians
Crossbow (NS):	7% of the shoot and 8% of Atlantians
Crossbow Sighted(S): 1% of the shoot and 3% of Atlantians
Breakdown by kingdom:
Æthelmearc had 15 archers and made up 9% of the shoot
Artemisia had 26 archers and made up 16% of the shoot
Atlantia had 32 archers and made up 19% of the shoot
Calontir had 21 archers and made up 13% of the shoot
East Kingdom had 3 archers and made up 2% of the shoot
Middle Kingdom had 3 archers and made up 2%	of the shoot
Northshield had 34 archers and made up 20% of the shoot
Outlands had 32 archers and made up 19% of the shoot

Three Kingdoms (Atlantia, Northshield, and Outlands) made up 60% of the total shoot. 	

I hope some of you found this interesting.
Your servant,

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