[Archers] 2018 Royal Archery Tournament

JAMES FRAILEY seamusmcray at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 08:07:08 PDT 2018

April 14, 2018
Barony of Bright Hills

2018 Royal Archery Tournament

I welcome the archers of Atlantia and beyond to a day of archery. This year
we will be hunting monsters. Our job is to rid Atalntia of these beasts.
All Atlantians are welcome to shoot for the right to be the next Atlantian
Royal Archer. If you don’t want this honor, spend the day shooting and
enjoy yourself.

There will 10 stations including a 5 station woods walk. You will need a
full quiver of arrows (12 for the Clout) to make it through the
competition. This is a championship style shoot so the targets will be
challenging and evil. There will be youth stakes placed if they aren’t
competing for the Royal Archer so they can enjoy shooting as well.

At the end of the day there will be a shoot-off. This year there will be a
pool of 16 spots instead of the 8 in the past. So more opportunities. After
the final shoot-off there will be a new Atlantian Royal Archer. Along with
that there will be prizes awarded for the top Royal Round Ranks. Each of
those winners will have an opportunity to wear a wonderful medallion
fashioned by Lord Grimm, which will bring recognition to you for being the
best archery in your rank for the upcoming year.

Also, as I mentioned above, I will be setting youth stakes this year. I
will be awarding prizes to the top 3 youth archers of Atlantia that day. So
I encourage the youth of Atantia to come out and have a blast.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.


In service,

Baron Seamus McRay
Master of the Pelican
Atlantia Archery DEM
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