[Archers] Archery Events

john atkins houseofgrey at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 4 08:13:17 PST 2018

 Lord Mungo,I totally sympathize with your comments here. So, seeing as how you have kicked the hornets nest, allow me to add my kick or two.
First the range at this past WoW - I share your concerns for the safety of the range and have mentioned/discussed that with several people. We have used that area safely in the past but not when the range was oriented as it was this past WoW. Also the access to the range was basically unsuitable for many reasons not to mention the lack of facilities as you mentioned. I contacted Doubghal, site owner, about clearing the brush to the left of the range where the downed tree was. He said he had the clearing of that area on his schedule. When that is accomplished the range can be rotated with the shooting line near where we entered the range, shooting into the farmer's field (overshoot) behind. Thus a safe range well within the guidelines set by Atlantian policies. I had asked some of the local archers if they could assist Doogie in this project as we, the archers, are the ones who benefit most from this. Doogie has also said he will replace the totally inadequate "bridge" to the range. So things are moving in a, hopefully, positive manner for archery at WoW or the site.
>From my perspective, and having taken GREAT heat for even making the suggestion, the larger issue is site selection by autocrats. I would venture to say that every marshal on this list has been MIC for archery at an event wherein the location for the archery range was inadequate by Atlantian rules. The fault here lies with lack of knowledge by the autocrat or site selection committee, if there is such. Here is where I got lambasted severely, I suggested there be an autocrat class that is a requirement for any individual that would like to be an autocrat for an event. The class would not be more than an hour or two at most. From the perspective of archery the class would cover the requirements for a safe range, safety distances, safety zones, provide water and toilet facilities and have access suitable for the handicapped. How to inspect bows and arrows, setting ranges, etc. is totally unnecessary for this class. Not to be archery centric here I feel the class should also cover the requirements for every other activity commonly occurring at our event, equestrian, heavy, rapier, A&S, scriptorium. When we first began using the WoW site the battle field was a known "issue". Seems the groundhogs created nice, large holes in the ground where the heavies were going to be holding their battles. Step in one of those holes and you break your leg. Equestrian has specific requirements of water, shade, etc. The purpose of an autocrat class is to acquaint potential autocrats with the REQUIREMENTS of each activity. That way autocrats would know where or if they can offer various activities based on what the site offers. As I am now out of kingdom, Atlantia, I can make this autocrat class suggestion once again without the repercussions I endured before. hahahahahaha
Things to think about,cog
    On Thursday, January 4, 2018, 6:27:37 AM EST, Garth Groff and Sally Sanford <mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com> wrote:  
 Tournament archery in the Maryland area remains strong with some great tournaments, but seems to be in serious decline elsewhere in the kingdom. Many Virginia tournaments that I attended featuring archery have gone away since I began playing. What has been offered at most remaining tournaments is substandard. I blame this in part on tournament organizers who will not, or cannot, allow us sufficient space for a safe and legal range (Ruby Joust is a perfect example, with no space on the site for a legal range, and yes, I measured it). Some blame falls upon us, since one marshal can't run a major tournament by themselves, and often there seems to be little contribution to set-up, targets or line/inspection help during the tournament. Been there, done that, and it isn't fair or any fun.
WoW is a case in point. In the four years I have attended, we have never had a safe and legal range. This past year was the worst, with the visible range cut to just 67 yards, and an active path screened by trees within 100 yards of the shooting line. The range was isolated, and the trail there was not easy, was impossible for the handicapped, and crossed an active fighting field. The range area had no toilets (nearly a quarter mile away), and lacked the space for a separate children's range. Some of us contributed targets and a lot of range/inspection time, but it wasn't enough and the few working marshals were trapped on the range for much of the event. Or maybe it was enough considering the poor attendance we had--each year the number of archers has declined, especially the number of experienced archers who can inspire novices, and this year was the worst I have seen. After the event, COG and Lorelei asked for suggestions and ideas to save archery at WoW. I was one of the few who joined the conversation. Lady Sarah and I will do what we can to help turn WoW archery around next year, but I'm not sure if we can add to what we already do there, given our small car and the distance we drive plus Lady Sarah's health considerations. But if things don't improve next year, we probably won't be back.
What I advocate is that we first do some serious talking about where archery is going, why it is going down the tubes, and what we can do about it. Everybody in the marshal community needs to be involved in this, since we all have a stake. Then we actually need to do something. 
Yours Aye,

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