[Archers] Period Guidlines

JAMES FRAILEY seamusmcray at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 16:24:16 PST 2018

So I wanted to clarify some rules/guidelines about period shoots. If you
enjoy shooting a period bow I am excited for you. In Atlantia I would like
to see more people give it a try. It is a lot of fun.

There has been some conversations about period shooting needs to follow
strict rules/guidelines in Atlantia when it comes to your equipment. In our
Kingdom I would like to relax these conventions and would like to encourage
more participation.

I will leave it up to folks that are running period shoots to decide
whether modern arrows will be allowed. If you feel that you want to follow
the Society's convention I will ask you to make sure that your rules are
spelled out clearly on you event calendar. That way people can make sure
they are prepared to comply with those conventions.

As for Shooting Society competitions like IKAC and The Winter Kingdom
Challenge, you need to read the rules carefully.

Both IKAC and the Winter Kingdom Challenge follow the Society period



*A. Shafts of any wood, cane or bamboo are allowed. Fletching must be of*
*feathers or period materials.*

*B. Nocks shall be either self or reinforced self, or period style insert
nocks, for wood, bamboo or reed arrows. They may be of any materials that
are similar in appearance to period materials and also similar in style.*

*C. Points may be of any style (ie. conical, field or target) except for
broadheads or any type of points that may cause excessive damage to the
target or backstop.*

*a. No broadheads or tips that cause excessive damage to the targets shall*
*be used, except for special competitions using these heads with the*
*permission of the Target Archery Marshal-in-Charge and the Kingdom*
*Archery Marshal. *

I want to ask those that are practicing period style shooting to encourage
and teach your craft and not judge those who are newbies. As you know the
labor and cost that goes into making period equipment is much more than the
traditional equipment most are making or purchasing. So lend a hand and
help grow period archery.

I welcome all comments and concerns.

In service,

Baron Seamus McRay
Master of the Pelican
Atlantia Archery DEM
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