[Archers] Archery at Tourney at Elchenburg

Tristan Wulf tristanwulf at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 15 19:53:58 PST 2017

I had a very good day running the archery at Tournament at Elchenburg in the Barony of Sacred Stone last Saturday (November 11). Everything went as I hoped it would. The crowd was engaged in the shoot and the archers all seemed to enjoy it. It was a 2-target shoot: a qualifier using the inner 3 rings of 4 royal round target faces (scored 1-2-3 with best arrow only in each face - 60 seconds) and then 7 or 8 rounds of archery duels at a "knight" target similar to combat archery IKCAC (sp?) targets.  A hit to the red kill zone (face and chest) was a kill, a hit to a gold-colored disc on the shoulders rendered the opponent unable to shoot (actually happened once -- loved it -- still have to get a kill with one of the remaining shots - 6 total).  If no kill in 6 shots, do it again.  Time pressure does interesting things to archers of all skill levels.

The score off the first target was used to set the shooting order for archery duels at the knight target. The results of this contest set the order of entry for the armored melee that followed. The tourney was team oriented with archers, equestrians and armored fighters. The winner of the duels also got a nice Spike banner as a prize.  The event was such a success that there is talk of doing it again next year so find yourself some horsey and armored up friends and you can come play too! 

Lorelei Elkins, thanks for bringing the knight target to me Wednesday. The other one was completely buried at the back of the target shed. I was not up for digging all that out right now.  Maybe over the winter...

Now all I have to do is hunt down the report forms I need to fill out after the event.  :)
Tristan di Lupo
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