[Archers] University Archery Track

Garth Groff sarahsan at embarqmail.com
Mon Jul 24 01:59:37 PDT 2017

Noble Friends of the Bow,

I haven't had any response on the Fall University archery track. If you 
would like to teach, or if you have already submitted a class proposal, 
please let me know ASAP. I know many of you are leaving for Pennsic 
shortly, but we have to have the track proposal in by 19 August, and 
individual classes have to be submitted by 21 August. So far, we only 
have the three classes Lady Sarah Sinclair and I have proposed (Feather 
Cutting, Youth Archery, Loaner Kit). These will be a go with our without 
a track. We particularly need someone to teach the TA Marshal/MIT 
warrant class. Both of us have taught recently, and so did not propose 
that class to give others could have a chance to teach.

Please let me know if and what you will teach before you leave for Pennsic.

Yours Aye,

Mungo Napier, Ad-Hoc Archery Track Coordinator
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