Charles Sprouse sprousecp at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 3 06:27:29 PDT 2015

 Hello all, I am so incredibly angry right now, but I will try to remain calm. Perhaps it is best if I simply cut & paste what I just posted to my own barony's FB page about what happened. EVERYONE needs to read it and take it to heart. I do not know the indentities the offenders in question, nor do I expect I will learn them, but given the nature of the attendance at a Royal Archer event, there is a damn high possibility that it was one or more of our own. People that are on this list, and I hope that they see this. Lord Karl von KönigsbergExchequer, Barony of Dun Carraig <<It has come to my attention just now that something extremely upsetting happened at Royal Archer this past weekend. Melwood is a DRY site, it states as much directly in the contract. That information was published via every informational outlet that it is supposed to be on, as well as optional ones like FB. Somebody, and we have no idea who, decided it was okay to bring alcohol anyway, as long as they were 'discrete'. At some point, they also decided it was okay to offer ...said beer and wine to a man who was there at his first event. A man who just happened to be a recovering alcoholic. A man who fell of the wagon that day and whose daughter had to take him home drunk. I am so infuriated that the very people who make up a society that is supposed to be built around the honor and virtues of a 'dream society' would even possibly fathom that this was 'okay'. I can only hope that I do not find out it was someone from our own barony that did this. The level of disappointment I feel right now is immeasurable. I hope that this message somehow comes across the newsfeed of the people in question, if only so that they may see exactly what their actions can cause. Rules are put in place FOR A REASON. A site is listed as wet or dry FOR A REASON. The information that is put out on the event flyers is supposed to be accurate FOR A REASON. If this scadian lady chose this event as one that would be okay for her to bring her father to and share what she loves to do with him because she expected for there to be no temptation for him, just imagine how betrayed she might feel right now. There is most likely no way we will ever know who it was that brought the alcohol, and at this point, it probably doesn't even matter. But I do know that the good people of Atlantia are supposed to be better than this. The fact that this happened in OUR barony, at OUR event, frankly disgusts me, whether it was our people directly involved or not. Lord Karl von Königsberg 
 Exchequer, Barony of Dun Carraig>>
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