[Archers] Thank you all for everything you do!

Jay Nardone jaynardone at comcast.net
Tue Oct 8 14:51:50 PDT 2013

Thank you Cam and Lorelei for the kind words! Have fun at WOW I will miss being there with you all. I think I owe COG a keg of “good” beer at this point now. :)





From: loreleielkins at aol.com [mailto:loreleielkins at aol.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2013 8:35 PM
To: jaynardone at comcast.net; archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Subject: Re: [Archers] Thank you all for everything you do!


You're doing a fantastic job, Jay and we appreciate everything you do.  Sometimes the hardest part is stepping back, taking a deep breath and telling yourself that it will all work out, when things seem to be in a "cluster".  The job isn't an easy one, but it's a rewarding one, due to the individuals who make up the community.  It is what brought me into the club, and it is what keeps me here.   


Cameron, you're right, it's about the fun, the fellowship and the passion we all share.


For those of you coming to War of the Wings, Christophe has some typically evil prize shoots planned, challenging war points and I'll be running the kids range.  We'll be open from 10 am to 4 pm Thursday through Saturday unless there is a late class running.  I know Colum and Naran are teaching classes and so far we have 15 people signed up for the marshals class on Sunday morning.  Outstanding!


I'll most likely see you on the range, and if I do or if I don't, make sure you stop by the Sacred Stone camp in the evenings to share some libation.  I made something special.  *grin*





-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Nardone <jaynardone at comcast.net <mailto:jaynardone at comcast.net> >
To: archers <archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org <mailto:archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org> >
Sent: Mon, Oct 7, 2013 7:55 pm
Subject: [Archers] Thank you all for everything you do!

Good evening my Brothers and Sisters of the bow. I just wanted to be serious for a minute here in the shadow of all of the drama that seems to surround us. I am proud that our Archery community is so tight and how much we all watch out for each other. We tease, we laugh, we shoot, we heckle and most of all we have fun! I know this is why I joined the SCA and as I look back over the years now I can’t think of many bad times, maybe a few to count on one hand. I thank you all for this! I was invited into the group, I had great mentors and I hope I am living up to your expectations since you all gave me this chance to be DEM. It saddens me to see what is happening and I hope this all corrects itself in the near future. The way you all step up to run shoots when they were poorly planned, the way you all are willing to teach our new comers and support them via loaner gear is astounding! I heard so many comments I consider “Bravo Sierra” at Pennsic about liability and insurance reasons for many groups not having loaner gear, it made me sick. 


So thank you again for helping me with my job, making sure I don’t miss things which from time to time I do and for just being great people! The smiles and fun I get being around you all is priceless and something I cherish greatly!


Much love to you all!


In Service,




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