[Archers] competition - Don't forget.

loreleielkins at aol.com loreleielkins at aol.com
Mon Jan 21 10:09:40 PST 2013

Thanks for the heads up guys!  I appreciate it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bobbi <wavqueen1 at yahoo.com>
To: "archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org" <archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Mon, Jan 21, 2013 12:44 pm
Subject: Re: [Archers] competition - Don't forget.

Oops, this was supposed to go to the e-list and not just DeeDee, sorry I forgot to change the *To* line.


  ----- Forwarded Message -----
  From: Bobbi <wavqueen1 at yahoo.com>
 To: deedee Mail <deallac at juno.com> 
 Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 12:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [Archers] competition - Don't forget.

As a past Baronial Exchequer and still with it dealing with Kingdom, I can say that *gift cards* are ok. However they cannot be gift cards from things that are not allowed in the SCA (such as vulgar; x-rated; etc) type places/stuff (no comments necessary here now, LOL). They also mentioned that we shouldn't give gift cards that are geared towards alcohol places/stuff and things like that either. That its best to keep the gift cards geared towards what you are giving them for (i.e. Tandy Leather; Three Rivers Archery; etc). So unless they have changed things since Unevent, Lorelei's gift cards should be fine. If i'm wrong, someone please correct me, and I apologize!


  From: deedee Mail <deallac at juno.com>
 To: Lorelei Elkins <ladygreenleafe at gmail.com> 
Cc: "archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org" <archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org> 
 Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 12:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [Archers] competition - Don't forget.

Lorelei and others,

I meant to reply to this sooner.  I don't remember where I heard this
(May have been an Unevent meeting or Baronial report), but someone
was very emphatic about the fact that monetary prizes are not allowed. 
I believe it has to due with the non-profit status.   You might want to check 
with the Senechalate on this.
(Not trying to be a spoil sport, but want to make sure that we don't get in


Sent from my iPad

On Jan 15, 2013, at 9:36 AM, Lorelei Elkins <ladygreenleafe at gmail.com> wrote:

The Honorable Lady Lorelei is sponsoring an archery theme A&S competition this year at Kingdom Arts and Sciences.  

Archery & Leather

Please show off archery related leather items that you've made, and display them for fun and competition.  I would prefer documentation, but don't let that stop you if you just want to show-off something really cool that you've made.  

Leather items can include, but are not limited to: Drinking tankard/bottle, armor, bracer/arm guard, quiver, knife sheath, hat, gloves, or any other leather item an archer (target and combat) may have had in their kit.

First prize: $50 gift card to Tandy Leather (tandyleatherfactory.com)

Second prize: $25 gift card to Tandy Leather

Third prize: $10 gift card to Tandy Leather


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