[Archers] MAAD Announcement

Marco marcodaverona at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 14 14:43:31 PST 2013

Greetings all,


Time is drawing near and I am finding that some of my own Marshal's will not
be attending our event due to mundane issues.


If you are currently an MIT, here is a great opportunity to get an event
under your belt, so please let me know ahead of time.


Secondly, the desire is the have each Barony have a team of archer's in
attendance with marshal in tow, really helps and we've all done this before
at Defending the gate.  


ACCEPTS should be up soon so please check the website soon,
www.maad.yolasite.com .


NOTE:  there will be some changes in the current scorebook, but feel free to
at least take a look at what is currently planned.



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