[Archers] FW: [Atlantia-Announce] University Request for Class Proposals - Winter University

Janyn Fletcher janynfletcher at comcast.net
Wed Dec 11 14:55:59 PST 2013

FYI, forwarded from the announce list. I would like to run an Archery track
again, I have already signed up to teach the marshal's class and arrow
making 101, if there are any other archery classes you would like to teach,
please contact the Chancellor.


In Service





From: announce-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:announce-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org] On Behalf Of Fischer,
Jennifer M.
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 8:34 PM
To: announce at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Cc: university at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Atlantia-Announce] University Request for Class Proposals - Winter


Greetings good gentles,

The Barony of Sacred Stone has graciously agreed to be our hosts for the
86th Session of the University of Atlantia, to be held in Claremont, NC on
March 1, 2014.

If you are interested in teaching a class, organizing a track of classes, or
have an idea for a class but don't know who to turn to, please view
http://university.atlantia.sca.org/teach.php or send a note to me at
<mailto:university at atlantia.sca.org> university at atlantia.sca.org.  The
University website has a class proposal form that will let you send along
class proposals once you are logged into the website. I ask that you please
send me your class proposal information, either through the website or via
email, by January 13, 2014 for TRACK proposals and January 20, 2014 for
individual class proposals.

Please include the following information:
- Instructor name (SCA and modern)
- Class title
- Fees (if any)
- Max number of students (the default maximum is 25)
- Duration of class (1 hour, 2 hours, or more)
- Class description
- Any special requests including equipment or space requirements for the
class, as well as any conflicts. This includes equipment the instructor
would need from the site. E.g.: projector, sturdy tables, etc. Equipment is
not necessarily available, but it can't hurt to ask.

Thank you for you interest in teaching at our next University,

Lisette la Roux

Chancellor, University of Atlantia

PS: Please forward onto any lists where Atlantian interests lay.

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