[Archers] Unevent Target Archery Session notes

Jay Nardone jaynardone at comcast.net
Sun Dec 8 18:19:09 PST 2013

Good evening everyone, as DEM for Target Archery in Atlantia, I ran the
Target Archery marshal's session. Here are the notes from that session:


- Thank you to all of our marshals! We had another very successful year with
no incidents to report. You are the backbone of Atlantia archery and none of
us could do it alone, you are all a very important part of our success and


- For our teaching marshals, please assure you use the MiT/marshal's sign in
sheet for your classes and that all attendees completely fill out the form
legibly. There were multiple classes this year where the teaching marshal
sent me incomplete sign in data and I could not add those new MiTs into our
system because it wont take their info without the complete set of data
required. It is not fair to our new MiTs to not be entered into the system
because our teaching marshal's are not properly conducting the classes! I
don't mind emails with the class data, but assure you capture all of their
required data.


- Reporting to the DEM, please make sure your event reports or quarterly
reports contain more than "it was a nice day and we shot archery......"
While I thoroughly enjoy hearing this, it does little when I report these
items to the Society DEM. Please include all pertinent information and any
problems you had or think you might need assistance with.


- Rules update for this inclusion from Curia, I will be submitting an update
to "Marshals shall not inspect their own equipment, unless they
are the only marshal present." TO " Marshals are able to inspect
their own equipment but if they are not comfortable with self inspection,
have the right to ask another marshal for assistance."


- We discussed the use of the "crimped" bow strings on bows in Atlantia. The
outcome of our discussion was that I will leave the final decision up to the
MIC of the event, but I would not like to see them on bows above 30lbs in
draw weight. They are perfectly fine on youth or light adult bows but I
don't like those strings on a heavier bow. We also discussed PVC bows and I
reminded everyone that although I have not disallowed them in Atlantia, I am
very cautious of them and also leave the decision right now to our MIC's of
the activity. I don't think they belong on our ranges but until I have and
issue I can reference, I wont disallow them outright.


- We conducted a discussion about possible ways of identifying new archers
to an event or practice. The intent was not to "Single" them out or
embarrass them, but rather make them known to the marshals that they might
need additional help or watching while on the range. After discussion about
possible "sashes", "tokens" and "badges" we decided to not use any of those
on a Kingdom level but rather try this first in a couple of our local groups
to see how this works and address it at a later time. Baron Mors and Lord
Allen of Wolfhou were willing to try this in their Barony and local groups
and a few others also volunteered to try this approach. I will follow up
with these groups to see how things are progressing.


- I will be working with Meister Jonathas, to post our Atlatl rules on the
archery site. Again we are in the 1 year trial period for Atlatl to assure
our rules and scoring is correctly specified prior to making them permanent.


- I reminded the group to please make sure they understand and have the
rules with them at all times. There were a few shoots this year where
netting was used as a backstop and this is not approved as a backstop in our
Kingdom by our rules. Even doubling netting is not an effective backstop and
is still potentially dangerous. They serve a purpose for missed shots but
can not be used to reduce our safety range requirements without approval
from the DEM or EDEM prior to a shoot.


- I asked the group if there was anything they felt I needed to do better or
could assist them with? I got very positive comments and I thanked the group
again for being such a great group of marshal's and their attention to
safety and fun in our discipline. 


In Service,


Janyn Fletcher, DEM TA Atlantia

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