[Archers] PVC Pipe Bows

John Atkins cogworks at triad.rr.com
Fri Sep 14 18:18:23 PDT 2012

I might suggest we could be getting off topic here.  As far as bow
failure, I have had perfectly period'ish bows fail.  But I think the
point Eirik made about looking more period is perhaps the more valid
point.  Now don't get me wrong.  I'm not in the group thinking everyone
should be shooting only period bows.  Not everyone can afford them, thus
recurves and slightly more modern bows are still acceptable on the
range, i.e. Tomahawks from 3Rivers, Kasai horse bows, Bear Kodiak
Magnums or Martin Hunters.  All good traditional bows acceptable, but
all plastic white bows?  Seems there might be issues with the "looking
period" there.  Now the point of how they are made becomes a larger
issue.  Having worked to a great extent with PVC piping I can tell you
that one year in the sun and it becomes very brittle.  However when a
bow breaks during full draw arrows do NOT fly off at 90 degrees or do
any of the stupid things stupid marshals think they will.  They simply
fall at your feet as the bow now has no power to deliver to the shaft.
It becomes a product of physics and mechanics.  But we come back to an
archer wearing Nike tennies, a cheap cotton tunic over camoflauged jeans
and sun glasses shooting a PVC bow.  Period?  Which?  Sorry having more
issues with the entire kit than just the bow.  I think marshal's
decretion is the best.  We do that with atlatl on an archery range, why
not with PVC bows or any bow a marshal may question?

-----Original Message-----
From: archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org] On Behalf Of Fen &
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 8:30 PM
Cc: archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Subject: Re: [Archers] PVC Pipe Bows

What are the legal/insurance ramifications if we inspect and pass a
non-standard bow type and it fails on the range and injures someone?
Does merely exercising "due diligence" protect us?
Atlantian Archery. Nothing exists within 100 yards without our

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