[Archers] My St Sebastian's II target

Michael michaelstuart at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 08:58:03 PDT 2012

OK, I think I have figured out my target contribution. Let me know if the
idea, number of arrows (3), and possible points (6 + 1 = 7 max) will be

The target will have 12 Kells letters on it. Archers will roll a large die
that has 6 four-letter Latin words on its six sides. The word they roll is
the one they have to spell on the target. Archers will use 3 arrows.
Scoring will be 2 points for each letter shot in sequence in their word, or
1 point for letters in their chosen word that are shot out of sequence. So
for example, shooting D E S for the word DEUS would get six points (2 + 2 +
2), but shooting D S E would only get four points (2 + 1 + 1). Shooting
only D E would also get four points (2 + 2). Then, IF and ONLY IF anyone
hits their 3 letters in sequence, which I'm sure a handful of archers will,
then they are allowed one bonus arrow to shoot at the remaining letter in
their word for a possible 1 additional point.

in service,

Eirik Gralokkr

>   1. St. Sebastian's II Shoot (Jay Nardone)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hello everyone, I have added a few more updates to the list of helping
> marshal's and target contributors. As you can see we still need a few more
> targets to complete the 13 or 14 stations we are shooting for. We still
> also
> could use some more marshal's to help during the day, so please if you
> think
> you can help and or contribute a target, please let me know. This is the
> current list so far:
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