[Archers] Interest to capitalize on

Jessica Mulligan slaoen at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 19 14:44:31 PDT 2012

No, I totally get that, you don't want to sell the SCA to someone who isn't interested, just share it with people who are.  I've always said that I am not a salesperson, but I will gladly share information with someone if I think they would benefit from it.  I was actually thinking about business cards after I sent my last message, something small and easy to pass to someone who is interested.  That would work great for the people who stumble upon us.  The harder people to reach are the ones who would love the SCA if they knew it existed, but have never stumbled upon it; those are the people I think could benefit from fliers posted in places they might frequent.
Stierbach does do demos at schools and libraries, they just did one in fact, I unfortunately have trouble attending due to my work schedule.  Safety and legality do make it more difficult to put on archery displays.  My husband and I have found it easiest to invite people out to Sunday practice, or bring them out to an event, to really see what's going on.
Sanada Katsumi

 From: John Atkins <cogworks at triad.rr.com>
To: archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org 
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Archers] Interest to capitalize on

Interesting thoughts.  We have been lucky, on occasion, in my 
area that when we do demos for schools that are studying the Middle Ages we get 
to include archery.  Not all schools but most.  Space and MAJOR 
concern from those not involved but "in charge" is the safety aspect, and a 
valid point.  Some cities simply do not allow archery within city 
limits.  If the owner of an establishment says OK, and sets up a space 
outside their place of business for it, i.e. dirt lot next to parking lot, the 
archers run the risk of having their equipment confiscated by the police.  
Not something I'm willing to face!  So check with the local police before 
attempting a demo like this. 
As for 
flyers or pamphlets, I personally think the very best thing to have is business 
cards.  Small, easy to carry and something folks will stick in their 
pocket.  I've gone the route of flyers and pamphlets only to find them on 
the ground in the parking lots afterwards.  Lots of expense for virtually 
no gain.  But a business card most people, once handed one, will stick in 
their wallet, purse or pocket.  All it needs are connection references and 
a short blurb about who we are.  Mine have the web sites for SCA, Atlantia 
and local Barony as well as my mundane and SCA name and email 
Now as 
for demos at schools, find out which schools in your area are studying the 
Middle Ages.  Talk to one of the school officials and let them know you 
have the ability to show the kids, first hand, a great deal about life in the 
Middle Ages.  They love it. 
way some ideas.  But realize I have NEVER felt the need to be a missionary 
for the SCA.  The SCA is MY hobby.  I don't really care if EVERYONE 
else is a member of not.  I thoroughly enjoy many of my friends within the 
SCA as is.  It's not that I couldn't use more friends, it's just that the 
SCA is not for everyone.  I coach kid's ice hockey teams.  Ice hockey 
is the most expensive team sport a kid will play.  Most of my parents are 
business owners or high level executives within their businesses.  As such 
these are NOT folks accustomed to putting on funny clothes and going camping for 
the weekend or longer.  Some are, very few some are, but most thinking 
camping is getting a room at the Hilton and calling room service!  When 
they ask what Coach John does when not at the rink I show them pictures and 
explain my weird hobby.  A few have come out to watch the "freaks" most do 
not.  It's OK, it's my hobby but I will talk to anyone for as long as they 
care to listen about archery and my weird hobby.  If they don't join, I can 
live with that.  Again, I don't feel the need to be an SCA 
missionary.  Weird to say that after even bringing up this subject 
here!  Shows my dyslexia of thought........... 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jessica Mulligan  [mailto:slaoen at yahoo.com] 
>Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 3:44  PM
>To: John Atkins;  archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
>Subject: Re: [Archers] Interest to  capitalize on
>Yeah, my coworker was complaining that there weren't enough new  heavy fighters joining in his area and I pointed out the same things you said  below.  Realistically, more people are suited for archery than heavy  fighting or even rapier, and it's easy to get them started (and addicted :P  ) 
>I'm not sure how to improve demos, because you're usually limited  by the environment, unless you're giving a demo at an SCA event.  You  would want a display of skill that impresses without making the audience  think, "man, I could never do that."  It's got to be something that makes  them think they can do it, and want to try it.  Although, I think  secretly everyone wants to try archery, some just get nervous and are afraid  it will be too hard. 
>I've thought about the lack of advertisement for the SCA a  bit.  Whenever we're out and about in garb, or practicing rapier/archery  somewhere public, we get quite a few curious people who ask what we're doing,  some who end up joining us in the future.  I keep thinking fliers, or  pamphlets with local practices/gatherings, would be useful, I just haven't  taken the time to inquire if there is an official way to go about  advertising.  When I was in college I spent time putting up fliers for  plays, we put them up on bulletin boards on campus, at the libraries, coffee  shops, hobby stores, any place that would let us.  An eye-catching flier  advertising archery would be sure to draw more people. 
>Sanada Katsumi 
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