[Archers] Seasonal challenge

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Wed Jan 11 10:27:52 PST 2012

One question.  For the count of 'total shafts scoring'.

Should that include the 'final round' where you were eliminated?

IE:  Let's say the following happens:

10yds - 6 of 6
15yds - 6 of 6
20yds - 5 of 6
25yds - 4 of 6
30yds - 3 of 6 - Eliminated.

Their 'score' is 25

But should their arrow count, be 21 (6+6+5+4) ... or 24, including those
last 3 that hit as they were eliminated?


PS.  Interestingly enough, one could add those last 1/2/3 points to the
score, as an easy way to have the scores have more diversity.  So
someone who got to 25, then at 30 missed them all, would still have a
25.  But someone who got 1 hit at 30, a 26,  2 hits at 30, would have a
27.  3 hits, a 28.   If you had 4+ well you'd be moving up to the next
level anyway.

On 1/11/12 12:59 PM, John Atkins wrote:
> Archers,
> The new seasonal challenge is now up and running at
> http://www.scores-sca.org/public/scores_rules.php?R=2&Shoot=88 .  By the
> good grace of our Archery Goddess, that would be Lorelei, I have been
> permitted me to design this shoot.  It is designed so that those who live in
> the frozen north and are subject to stuff falling from the sky and obscuring
> arrows that do not hit the target (I think it's called snow) can also do
> this shoot, depending upon the physical limitations of your indoor range.
> Should you have any questions regarding the scoring or the shoot feel free
> to contact me either here or off list.
> Shoot straight!
> Cog
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Barun Siegfried Sebastian Faust - Barony of Highland Foorde - Atlantia
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