[Archers] archery peerage

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Fri Feb 17 18:28:15 PST 2012

> (2) To Karl and others, there IS a premier archery award for being good
> at archery, just pure archery skill, and it is the Yew Bow. So there is
> "recognition" for archers already.

One additional point of clarification.  You are correct, however while
it may be considered a 'Premier' award.  It is not the same 'level' of
award as a peerage, say for example, Knighthood.

Since there is an official hierarchy of awards.  The Yew Bow is
considered the equivalent of the Kraken, which is for Rattan Combat.
And those being chosen for the Yew Bow or the Kraken should be meeting
similar levels of skill/service/comportment, etc.

Just as there is the 'step down' award of the King's Missilier, which is
the equivalent to the Rattan Combat award, the Silver Osprey.  And they
are given for similar levels of skill/etc.

So while the Yew Bow is the premier award for 'Skill at archery' in
Atlantia (though it includes many other aspects of people than just
skill).  There is no 'equivalent' step above it, as the Kraken's have

Only 'forked paths', as they have been discussed.  Into Pelican for
service-at-archery, and Laurel for archery-related-arts.

In Service,

Barun Siegfried Sebastian Faust - Barony of Highland Foorde - Atlantia
http://hf.atlantia.sca.org/ - http://crossbows.biz/ - http://eliw.com/

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