[Archers] Archery evnets for next year

John Atkins cogworks at triad.rr.com
Sun Dec 16 18:15:36 PST 2012

YIKES!!!  My pet peeve!!!  So let me pontificate for a moment.  If we,
as archery marshals will soon have to take Marshaling 101 for heavy
fighting (???? yet to be decided) is it not only "fair" that EVERY heavy
marshal have to take Archery 101?  Most heavy marshals have absolutely
no clue as to the needs of archery or thrown weapons.  OR, as an
alternative but not to over encumber the event process, should there not
be a class/warrant for event autocrats that includes the "needs" of
heavy, rapier, archery and thrown weapons?  It has been my experience
that most autocrats and MICs have little to no knowledge of archery,
thrown weapons or atlatl needs.  Seems only fair to me.

-----Original Message-----
From: archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org] On Behalf Of Jay
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 7:21 PM
To: 'Archers'
Subject: [Archers] Archery evnets for next year

Good evening everyone, there was another topic I wanted to bring up at
Unevent but I didn't get a chance to get to it. I wanted to thank
everyone once again for the incredibly successful year we had in
Atlantian Archery and also for all of your hard work to make it so. With
that said, I noticed at multiple events I attended that archery was put
out in the "back 40" and at a few of them there was really no reason for
this. I know at 3 or 4 events I saw opportunities where archery could
have been seen by all on site and still have been in a safe location to
conduct the shoot. I actually talked with the Autocrats at 2 of these
events and they stated that they were relying on their MIC's for Archery
to choose the locations. I have been on the kick to assure that we work
as closely with our Autocrats as we can to educate them on our needs and
rules for Archery. I would love for them to sit through our class but I
fully understand that most of them will have no interest and this just
won't happen. 


So I am asking you all to please take the time when planning for next
year to try to see if you can choose site locations that will still be
safe but will also locate archery much closer to the main event. At
events like the Golden Rose, it was very enjoyable for all because the
non archers could walk over and see what we were doing and vise versa
for the rest of the activities during the day. Let's not simply just let
the Autocrats put us out of site just because they are concerned. I
would also suggest and hope that all of you as MICs for the Archery are
going out to the site first to get a lay of the site and plan where you
will be setting up. Safety is always our main concern but I think we can
do better in placement of our activity. I have been asked by many Royals
in our Kingdom to see if we can change this from our norm.


In Service,






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