[Archers] Some interesting OT trivia

jmu1861 at aol.com jmu1861 at aol.com
Thu Mar 31 17:38:34 PDT 2011

Holy cow.  I too am glad the rules were easier for me.  I learned to shoot at scout camp about 40 years ago.  I got my first bow with my mother's Quality Stamps and my second for my birthday some years later.  I spent many hours in our back yard shooting at hay bales.  Thankfully, I never hit my dog or a neighbor.  I don't think my range would qualify under the current SCA rules.  <g>  I have both bows and still shoot the second one.
Geoffrey ~
(the red Baron one, not the other Geoffrey...)

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig <morgul at sc.rr.com>
To: archers <archers at atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Wed, Mar 30, 2011 7:11 pm
Subject: [Archers] Some interesting OT trivia

Just thought I would pass this interesting bit of information on.  As 
any of you know, I am heavily involved in the Boy Scouts of America. 
ast year, the BSA celebrated it's 100th anniversary.  One of the things 
 got last year was a reproduction of the very first "Handbook for Boys" 
ut out in 1911.  Among the items in there, are the merit badge 
equirements, and I want to share the requirements for the Archery Merit 
adge as of 100 years ago.
1) Make a bow and arrow, which will shoot a distance of 100 feet with 
air precision.
2) Make a total score of 350 with 60 shots in one oe two meets, using a 
tandard four-foot target at 40 yards or three-foot target at thirty yards.
3) Make a total score of 300 with 72 arrows, using standard target at a 
istance of fifty yards
4) Shoot so far and fast as to have six arrows in the air at once.

et's just say I'm glad those weren't the requirements when I was a Boy 
cout 30 years ago earning my Archery merit badge.  Those are pretty 
ntimidating requirements, especially that last one!
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rchers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org

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