[Archers] Target Archery Youth Marshal Program

loreleielkins at aol.com loreleielkins at aol.com
Fri Jun 3 06:20:08 PDT 2011

No offense taken.  I appreciate all the feedback, and I NEED all the feedback to help make the program the best it can possibly be.  Yes, the ideas I've heard are good ones.  Thank you.

Remember, coming soon to this list will be the Rules re-write draft (as dictated by HRM).  I'll be needing everyone's input and good sense on those as well.  The rules committee has been working on that for a little while now I think we have a good handle on what needs to be added, deleted or changed.

Stay tuned.


-----Original Message-----
From: Holly Gibbons <holly0920 at yahoo.com>
To: archers <archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Thu, Jun 2, 2011 5:06 pm
Subject: Re: [Archers] Target Archery Youth Marshal Program

Clearly I misunderstood Lorelei's original post about the program already being ok'ed at the highest levels and already up and running. I thought such approval would require the details of rules, not just an idea. I just could not underdstand why all the wheels were spinning on this list if that stuff was already set.
There have been so many good ideas about how to run the program, I hope they get used. I've got a youngster of my own who loves the whole concept and says she thinks 13 is a good age to start the program! Ha!
No offense intended to anyone. The DEM does not have to ask our opinions in the first place, as I noted. But having done so, I thought the opinions expressed on the list should have a fighting chance of influencing the regulations, and I'm glad that is happening.

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