[Archers] And the next Seasonal Challenge is...

Jonathas Jonathas at RedFoxDen.org
Mon Feb 28 07:40:19 PST 2011

Yo all!

With the current Seasonal Challenge kindly provided by the archer's of
Needwood wrapping up today (hey you can still get that one more score in!),
Lorelei has blessed what I hope is a fun little shoot for the next one.  So
what is the next shoot you ask?  Well honestly I have no idea, because *you*
haven't come up with it yet!

Channeling some old school yard games, I came up with this one....
H-O-R-S-E. Yep the old basketball game, you know... "one bounce off your
dad's car, off the backboard, nothing but net, standing on one foot leaning
against that tree over there".  But how can that possibly be done as an
archery shoot?  Yet another good question, cause you are going to have to
figure it out.  For this shoot just the framework has been laid out, you
have to makeup your own target!  (Ok there is a default for those who don't
want to channel their youthful imaginations)

So everyone has a day to dream up wacky targets to shoot, then start
challenging anyone near or far!  And far can be REALLY far as this Seasonal
Challenge is open to the Knowne World (challenge anyone in any kingdom that
uses the same scores site).

As winter is still with us and some of the northern groups are only holding
indoor practices the challenges can be customized to allow for shorter
ranges, but as the warmer weather breaks feel free to stretch your legs (and
bows) and get some longer distances in too!

So what the heck are the rules already?  Well read it for yourself!

Beginners take note!  This shoot is not about the highest score! Only about
getting a better score then one other person WHO YOU PICK!  So get out and
shoot already (well ya have to wait 'till tomorrow, but then....)

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