[Archers] New Years Archery

Grimm Tokesonn grimm at grimmsfield.com
Thu Dec 29 10:34:19 PST 2011

All Hail the mighty archers of Atlantia:
My arrows grow rusty with lack of use and the cold creeps into my bones as I sit like an old auntie by the fire. I feel the need to start this year off right, shake the frosty fingers from their grip on my shoulders and live again. Therefore, on the first of the New Year I feel the need to open Grimmsfield and loose many arrows. Mot being a selfish person, I invite all who feel the need to start the New Year in an archery vein. Come one and all and set the tone for the coming year!!!  2:00 p.m. seems like a good starting time, with 5:00 p.m. a good time to end. There will be hot cocoa and hot tea to warm the innards. Please RSVP for directions if you have never been. I look forward to shooting with all who can make it.
Grimm at grimmsfield.com

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