[Archers] Congratulations!

John Atkins cogworks at triad.rr.com
Sun Sep 26 12:31:07 PDT 2010

A clarification to my post suggesting an autocrat class.  I would not
presume that the class make every autocrat capable of being the MIC for
any and all activities at their event, i.e. know all the safety issues
concerning all activities.  I was suggesting that the "class" include
some of the high points of/for each activity.  I am constantly amazed at
how many autocrats barely know which end of an arrow points down range
much less what our safety requirements are.  Autocrats are not stupid
people but for them, the game is service.  That's what they enjoy and
that's what they do best and without them we would all be sitting home
watching reruns of Robin Hood, all versions.  But because archery is far
too often stuck in the back 40 far too many, in my opinion, know very
little about our activity.  Yes, it is our duty as event TA MIC to let
them know our safety needs and concerns but far too often these concerns
are only conveyed after we are asked about them or infringed upon as in
the original post.  Autocrats must fill out a form for each event they
are running.  Could we have a slight modification to that form that adds
not only the name of the TA MIC, which I believe is already there, but
something to the effect of "discussed safety requirements for target

We are not alone in these concerns.  Siege and combat archery also
require "special" safety zones that could seriously limit their
participation at events.  Perhaps we could enlist their support in this

Just making suggestions here,

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