[Archers] E.Gads and Pennsic

deallac at juno.com deallac at juno.com
Mon Oct 25 19:22:47 PDT 2010

I think I like the AAH! best :)  
I can hold 6 (comfortably) in my van, but that may have to 
drop a bit, if I need to bring the larger 4 legged children
(depends on babysitting opportunities), or allow 
for a decent amount of equipment, etc....

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Holly Gibbons <holly0920 at yahoo.com>
To: archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Subject: Re: [Archers] E.Gads and Pennsic
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 19:07:03 -0700 (PDT)

To the good archers out there contemplating competitions of various kinds among archers of the "reticent sex:"   If you are acquainted with General Squirrelsbane,
who runs Pennsic archery for the East (and allies), you already understand that arranging the kind of competition you describe might be more of a challenge than you imagine.   Seriously, I am far more interested in seeing Atlantian archers of any sex have a decent shot at competing against their fellow archers from other 
Kingdomhttp://altfarm.mediaplex.com/ad/ck/10433-99705-29115-0?mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]&mpvc=s. To be honest, what I am just dying to see at Pennsic is a 
true world archery championship, by individual and by Kingdom (Atlantia Rules!)   I would happily and cheerfully compete for an Atlantian women's team, but what 
I think would make me happier is to compete for a world title against everyone, and I do mean everyone - - not just the very, very few Atlantian archers who actually 
get to shoot the "championship" round. And I am one of those few so don't think I am writing with hurt feelings. I am writing with a profound sense of sadness that 
so many of Atlantian's finest archers go to Pennsic and are overlooked for the "team" and get stuck shooting those stupid, boring war point rounds over and over 
for the entirety of their Pennsic archery experience. Come on! Rapier fighter, heavy weapons folks, thrown weapons addicts - - they all go to Pennsic and get to 
compete against their counterparts from all over the known world. Why can't we get something going with archery? I am about to the place where I will go to Pennsic 
and not set foot on the range, I get so annoyed thinking  about it.   I would love to see changes in Pennsic archery and I know I am in good and plentiful company. 
Can Atlantia call for and sponsor such a known world champioship? (I love the idea of everyone bringing a target.) If we do not push for change it will not happen. 
So I would gladly work for this and I would love a dialogue about the possibilities with those many archers (yes, you) who are far wiser and more experienced than 
I am in the ways of Pennsic and interkingdom politics, because I haven't a clue of where to start.  . . ..  But . . . can that discussion not totally hi-jack the incredible 
fun we were having with our Girly Archer up-coming competition???   

So, returning to the regularly scheduled lighter fare .......   as far as E.GADS is concerned, bring it on! Sticking to the theme of comic book expletives, we could call 
ourselves GADZOOK! (Girly Archer Death Zombies Off On a Kwest) or DARN! (Darling Archers Rampaging Northward) or WHOA ! (Women Having Orgasms over Archery) 
or AAH! (Atlantian Archer Hellkittens), to mention but a few possibilities that come springing to mind . . .   Keep us posted on the competition, dear Fearless Leader Lorelei. 
I'm just hoping E.GADS ladies aren't all using compound bows with laser sights or maybe we girly archers will just have to stay home and concentrate on further 
infiltrating the Atlantian GBE ranks. . .     
Love you all, Nuala of Needwood            
Original Message: 3
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 14:38:09 -0400
From: Denise McMahon <denise at shado.info>
To: archers at atlantia.sca.org, loreleielkins at aol.com
Subject: Re: [Archers] Fwd: [SCA-Archery] E.GADS
Message-ID: <376A0B39-69FA-4F78-8B92-0C5F83505AFB at shado.info>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; Format="flowed";

I concur wholeheartedly with Fens' idea. It would be *very cool* to  
take part of the range at Pennsic for an Atlantian Challenge.  It's  
also fairly easy to do. Just contact the person in charge of the  
martial activities for Pennsic next year, or the person in charge of  
Pennsic 40 Archery and tell them what you would like to do. figure out  
a time for the challenge and get it scheduled.

As a Mongol, I value Archers and their contribution to *any* event and  
have sponsored Archery for many years. :)  I also sponsored an all  
woman team at the last Golden Rose Tournament because I really feel  
that women and the martial disciplines in  the Society are rather under  
valued. However, I also like to have sense of humor about it. So  
figure out what you would need- dream big- and I would love to help  
you make that happen. Pavilion for shade? Your own water buffalo for  
the day? Pennants? Banners? Advertising all over the kingdoms and  
Pennsic? Articles in the Independant? Tabards? T-shirts for a  
fundraiser? Getting a special edition shuttle bus to ferry folks up to  
the Archers field for the day? It can all happen.

Go for it. Make it fun and watch the number of archers show up.


Countess Rowan

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Insurance deal just passed now allows you to get car insurance for $13

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