[Archers] Consensus

Holly Gibbons holly0920 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 28 18:00:44 PDT 2010

Thank you, Fen! 

We should all agree, as a first point, to accept that the Pennsic War is East 
and Middle and that it is their game to run as they see fit. I am not going to 
presume to tell them how to run their war or in interferring in their processes  
- -  who knows how Atlantia would run it if it were our war! If East/Mid wanted 
a third team or a fourth team - lovely - but we, none of us, will hold our 
breaths. How the archery MIC's choose their championship teams, if it is "fair" 
etc. is not a good road to head down. So we must stop complaining and work 
towards the common good.

This is precisely why I would be interested in hosting a shoot completely 
outside the war, outside the war points - - as exists on the thrown weapons 
range every year. I have been posting here on this list only to try to see if we 
can come to a consensus on a novelty shoot that would be a proxy for a 
kingdom/individual championship, that's all.

With deepest respect and affection for all my fellow archers-crazies, Nuala

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Siegfried" <siegfried at crossbows.biz>
To: archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org 
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 5:08:24 PM 
Subject: Re: [Archers] Pennsic Teams 
"So let me attempt to explain why things 'are the way they are'.. . '

Excellent response, thank you. I did not consider the big picture stuff like the 
politics surrounding war points. I've been approaching it from a "known world 
archery tournament", which was a bit idealistic.  Its about the East VS the Mid. 

I think this means that any Atlantian sponsored shoot should not try to trump 
anything the East/Mid has planned for archery. If some of us are unhappy with 
the way the East is running the Champions shoot, the only course of action is to 
work with them and hope they are open to some new ideas. 


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