[Archers] Tips was: Re: Safety advice on atal-atals andcrossbows

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Thu Jul 1 09:47:48 PDT 2010

That would of course depend on the target in question.   If doing an
atlatl royal round, then sure, no go on that, as it would rip up the
target face and any 'normal' backstop behind it.

However, if doing an Atlatl battle, throwing at haybales.  A
flint/obsidian tip isn't going to do any appreciable damage at all IMO.

(Granted at that point you are owning two sets of ammo for different
types of events)


On 7/1/10 12:06 PM, Robyn Becker wrote:
> You can buy stone arrow points from 3Rivers Archery.  But these points
> are more than capable of causing excessive damage to targets.
> Reyne

Barun Siegfried Sebastian Faust - Barony of Highland Foorde - Atlantia
http://hf.atlantia.sca.org/ - http://crossbows.biz/ - http://eliw.com/

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